As Vehd has grown so has this blog. What started out as a place for amusing pictures of an infant grew into reflections on parenting. Then came his quips, puns and jokes. For a while this was where we shared our family life with dear ones. This blog has always been about growth and learning, for a child and a family.
Now, Vehd is in elementary school. He is growing and changing; dare I say even evolving. This blog is now a portfolio of stories. It shares stories on learning together with Vehd, with children. Every story has Vehd and the characters in our family as protagonists. The impetus for each tale comes from a child's question. The stories are meant to be sad, happy, joyful and sometimes even unabashedly boastful,
While each tale might feel like a coherent story, well stated and complete,in reality each story is a thread of experiences braided together only by reflection. Every tale reminds me that life is lived in moments, in singularly complete experiences that feel like a story only when we look back on them!
It is my hope that some day Vehd will take over this blog and transform it into what he wants it to be. I hope that the stories and pictures on these pages will inspire Vehd to consider the life he is living in the larger flow of life that we are all a part of. Perhaps by seeing the outside manifestation of his inner self, his inner soul, he might reach inward and consider how we are all connected.