This afternoon, I was struck by the question our server asked us towards the end of lunch, "are you still working on this or are you done?" Really, I was never "working on my lunch". I wonder how that phrase comes across in France? I cannot imagine the French calling a meal or any form of food consumption, "work." When did food become "work"?
Leaving aside my torturing of the English language and its usage in the United States, I was not working on anything during lunch. Far from it infact. I was enjoying an utterly delicious time with Vamshi and Vehd, taking a complete break from anything that might remotely resemble work. This is now becoming a ritual (if 2 days back-to-back does a ritual make). It was on Sunday that Vamshi suggested we start going out to lunch whenever we can; to soak in the sunshine some more, take a break in the middle of the day to hang out together (even more), to get to know the restaurants of Ojai, to savor our last 2 weeks here. How romantic! How utterly romantic! Far from work I'd say.
Yesterday, we went to the Ojai Valley Inn and Spa. Its a highly-rated resort that keeps its restaurants open to local public (even offering them a discount). The food is absolutely delicious, the ambience right on and the price, stunningly reasonable. I don't know how they do it but I am glad they do and I am hoping to go there many more times. Today, we went to the Italian Osteria Monte Grappa restaurant we have been eyeing for a while. Its a block off from the Farmers' Market and has great outdoor seating. The food was good and the prices a little high but the ambience was spot on. All in all, we had a good meal that we "cheered" to using corkscrew pasta, as seen in the photo.
We can tell Vehd is really enjoying these mid-day outings. Why wouldn't he? He gets picked up from preschool at noon by two doting parents who take him out to a restaurant for a delicious meal. Really, we are all enjoying these meals. They are the perfect break right in the middle of the day, from ... I don't know what we need a break from .. ah, yes, work! So, I really hope we can drop this whole "are you done working" bit. Please ...
I'm no expert on France but I am an American who has been living in France for 6 months. My experience is that once you are served your food you are left alone by the servers. You are trusted to enjoy your meal in whatever way you want and for as long as you want. If you want something more, you get the attention of the server who is only too glad to help you. I think it's also useful to note that lunch is a big deal in France, usually on the order of 2 hours and with many stores closing during this time. Sounds like your "ritual!" :)
Posted by: Andy Smallman | January 12, 2011 at 12:19 AM