Vehd is missing Seattle. He misses our home, Green lake and many other nuances that make Seattle his home but most importantly he is missing his friends at Hilltop. He continues to speak of them like they are all right here with us. I figured a Skype session would be helpful so we set one up with Vehd's classroom of friends at Hilltop.
Now, imagine this ... 14 or so 3-4 year olds trying to talk to one 3.5 year old. What might that be like? For some completely strange reason, I pictured a conversation happening. You know, the type that might make most use of Skype's dual channel technology that can relay data both ways. I pictured one child speaking and then Vehd responding, then another friend speaking and Vehd responding.
Clearly, I have a long way to go in truly understanding 3-4 year olds. Now that I reflect on it, it seems obvious that what happened was what would happen. True to the stage, all 14 3-4 year olds spoke; at once. Vehd listened. And they all said one thing, "Hi Vehd, hi Vehd, hi Vehd, hi Vehd." They sounded like chirping birds, all tweeting the same notes over and over. Until one of them translated the "Hi Vehd" for the rest of them ..."We really miss you Vehd."
Vehd remained stunned the whole time. He was sad, very sad at seeing his friends but not being with them. Now, I need the virtual reality version of Skype to help this boy shake off his Seattle blues. In the meantime, perhaps some old-fashion holiday magic will do the trick ...
well one thing we learned: don't try to skype on pajama day! those kids were pretty amped about their jammies...
a thought for next time:
maybe they can set up the computer in the art studio, and a few kids at a time could come "visit" with Vehd?
I keep thinking of that hilarious time we did a Seattle-to-India skype with Brayden sitting on the toilet the whole time! Maybe they should just put the computer in the Mountain Room loo...that's where all the real socializing happens anyway.
Posted by: sarah | December 17, 2010 at 09:17 PM
My little angel! He looks so sad :( Can't wait to see him and give him a big big hug!
Hope he is enjoying his new school with its fleet of trucks.
Posted by: Shuchi | December 28, 2010 at 02:10 AM